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Growing with

The 1980's

The 1980's would become for the world, a great leap forward into future unknowns.  Along with this new surge, the artists and designers of the previous decade were making exciting new "discoveries" with the growing role of computer technology.


Returning as a designer, project director, and artist from the late 1970's, Robert Sands was able to carry over his project successes from the previous decade to work as a Creative Director for Ketchum Communications, before eventually joining forces with old Gateway Studios associate and longtime friend, Dale Stetzer.  By the mid-80's, Sands and Stetzer (along with Michael Dougherty and Hud Englehart) would be instrumental in opening a Pittsburgh office of the worldwide public relations firm Hill and Knowlton.

It was also in the mid-80's that Robert's investment in computer-based graphic design would take hold and later prove profitable.  Leaving Hill and Knowlton (although remaining with them through the next decade as a contractor), Sands branched out to form his own computer design company Terminal Graphics.

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